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Mom and Daughter Write Poetry in the Livingroom

Sonnets, Bermuda Shorts, Haircuts, Inner Critic, Family Dynamics, Smoked Salmon, Gray Days

Sonnet: abab, cdcd, efef, gg

I toss aside the jars of ready sauce:
red tomato chunks from who knows when
and search the house for food I like to toss
together in a pan. I will invent:
gooey peanutbutter blend with oil,
crumble up some cheese and stir it better.
Ah, the smells from my flamboyant toil
make my stomach drool inside my sweater.
I blush to think of all my masterpieces:
glittering gobs of gelatin and butter,
squash and chicken liver, mashed it pleases
my tongue, and rests upon my trinket clutter.
Away with any combination tried!
Advent'rous foods alone will satisfy.
-Betina Hershey

Our dog drools lots when we are eating lunch.
The goo, it blends and dribbles to the floor.
I blush to think of what a piggy bunch.
The dog just laps it up and hopes for more.
His name is Julio, he will wag his tail
whenever bread is crumbled, falling down.
Especially the rye bread makes him wail.
He laps it up, looking like a clown.
The very best tomato sauce he loves
to lick and chew and squash under his foot.
He surely doesn't care about his mauve
sweater Mom has knitted, it's like soot.
When bare plates glitter he's a mess.
To his trinkets he goes off with happiness.
-Carol Hershey

Sonnets, Bermuda Shorts, Haircuts, Inner Critic, Family Dynamics, Smoked Salmon, Gray Days

Subject:bermuda shorts Form:aba, bab, cccc Words:tequila, evergreen, rosary, staple, face, ape)
She knocked back the tequila
Her face a rosy glow
Dreaming softly of Anguila.

Evergreens in the snow-
Her hazy mind would go
So far away

Instead of staples like snowflowers
Long thick pants and woolen sweaters
Her rosary would grant her better-
Apes, bermuda shorts, soft feathers.

"tequila," sings the barmaid
swishing past with her bermuda shorts
purple, evergreen, crying out "I wanna get laid"

"bring over those buns," jeer the stapple-faced cohorts
"aw, shove it, beach bums," the burmuda shorts goddess retorts
mimicing them with ape grunts

ah, what's beneath those kalaediscope forts?
soft, teeth-ripe flesh to sink into?
a target for the sharks' labido?
or a venus love trap full of sneaky super glue?

Sonnets, Bermuda Shorts, Haircuts, Inner Critic, Family Dynamics, Smoked Salmon, Gray Days

Subject: haircuts Form:abb, cca, add Words: bingo, beezer, spear, lantern, squish, crust

At Bingo it was hot
The lantern it was swinging
I couldn't hear the singing
For the wind it was a-winging.

One fine lady had some snot.
From her beezer it would drop
Oh but now it was a-clinging.

On her head there was a hairdo
With a spear thrust through the knot.
Now the crust was nearing rot
Neath her nose; it must be squished.
So I cut it with her spear
But I missed-
And cut her hair.

A good haircut can hide
that big beazer
they always teazed her

but it won't muffle the sneazes of her wheezer
or that globby squish inside
of the used tissue as she rolls it fiv more times.

the spears snip and shape to please her
cutting away crusty, musty curls
and lighting the rickety lantern in her timid, tumultuous eyes

I'm beautiful! So don't slip me any more lies!
She stomps into the bingo hall
proudly bouncing, waiting for the awe to shimmer and fall.

Sonnets, Bermuda Shorts, Haircuts, Inner Critic, Family Dynamics, Smoked Salmon, Gray Days

Subject: inner critic Form: abab, cbcb, dbdb Words: yellow, booze, speelunk, troy, sympathetic, fling

If I could only do less
Not fling myself from here to Troy
Spelunking into messes
I should have stayed a boy.

Now yellow boots were fine then.
Back in the days of toys.
My sympathetic stuffed hen-
I should have stayed a boy.

I don't think I can do booze
And have peace to enjoy.
I have to take a long snooze.
I should have stayed a boy.

The cluttered hall of my crazy childhood
The imperfect perfectionist who calls me a punk
That tells me that I must be always real good
Work hard cause you won't survive if you flunk

Unsympathetic calling me yellow
Makes me real scared that my mind is too drunk
With booze from "you're not quite the best poor young fellow"
Work hard cause you won't survive if you flunk

The way Hellen of Troy caused death of so many
Through these cavernous pitfalls I try to spelunk
Try to fling off the Trojan horse's loud whinny
Work hard cause you won't survive if you flunk
-Lance Olds

Sonnets, Bermuda Shorts, Haircuts, Inner Critic, Family Dynamics, Smoked Salmon, Gray Days

Subject: family dynamics Form: aabbccdd Words: greenest, seagull, epic, tide, strapping, frozen, aardvark, cumquat

We all go sit together-
My strapping greenest brother
Our cumquat loving sister.
(Her aardvark causes blisters,
Her seagull yearns for tides
in epic seas so wide.)
Mom's frozen, snuggling Dad
As we watch the sunset glide.

The grass it stays greenest if you don't cut it so short
Says the brother to the in-law who responds with this retort
You're a strapping lad I know it, and I doubt not that you're smart
You grow cumquats, own an ardvark, and such wisdom you impart
But despite your epic knowledge on the winds, and tides, and grass
You can take this frozen hot dog and just stick it up your ass
And I hope that there seagal on that branch above your head
Has to take one great big doogie, would you like some cheese wiz spread?

Sonnets, Bermuda Shorts, Haircuts, Inner Critic, Family Dynamics, Smoked Salmon, Gray Days

Subject: smoking salmon Form: aab, ccb, ddadb Words: blossom, pervert, hut, fathom, stab, gringo

one fathom away from the huts
he stabs the slabs of salmon cuts
oh, that juicy rawness runs

down his blossoming, hungry hands
to where his naked toddler stands
asking, "daddy, can I throw them in the pit for funs?"

slimmy salmon twists in a perverted glance
while it's strung, awkward as a gringo's dance
and around the smoke, the begging mutts
choke, and swallow back swollen glands
begging, "let us devour the fish fresh just this once"

I've heard of smoking pot
But of smoking salmon, not
In a hut or anywhere.

I could fathom smoking hemp
I would blossom all unkempt,
Lovely turtles in my hair.

Oh the pervert shows his thing
To the mockingbirds who sing
And the gringo-stabbing tot-
They are wacked-out wierdo scamps
Smoking salmon... in their lair.

Sonnets, Bermuda Shorts, Haircuts, Inner Critic, Family Dynamics, Smoked Salmon, Gray Days

Subject: gray days Words: fluffy, pigs, hubris, shiny, cemetery, narrow Form: aabc ddbc ac

The thing to do for gray days-
Wear fluffy orange stays
And shiny narrow slippers
The long and pointy kind.
Avoid all cemeteries,
Unless the trees have cherries.
Wear flappy slappy flippers-
Paint green pigs in a line.
O hubris, fly away now
I've giggles on my mind.

Clowds are not fluffy
Pigs are too scruffy
Cut through the cemetery
Wish I didn't have to do this
This lane is too narrow
Chills to the marrow
Feeling shiny kind of scary
When I yelled real loud "I'm through sis"
She puffs up real huffy
Tells me I have too much Hubris
(If you weren't with us, you can try one of any form above and send it to me... betina@betinahershey.com)

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